AGM Thursday 24 January 2019
A reminder that our AGM takes place on Thursday 24 January at 7.30pm at the North Leatherhead Community Centre in Kingston Road. PLEASE...
AGM 2017
Our AGM will take place on Wednesday 29th November 2017 in the Reeves Room (first floor – please contact us with any concerns re. access)...

A litter-free Leatherhead & District?
For many decades, local volunteers have worked tirelessly to tackle litter discarded in and around Leatherhead. Adding their efforts to...
Happy 70th Birthday, Leatherhead & District Local History Society!
This week we discovered that the L&DCPS was the 1940s 'parent' of the Leatherhead & District Local History Society. The History Society...
Litter Pick 8 October 2016
Cheryl Allen of the Leatherhead Residents' Association has invited other groups involved in solving litter issues to join in a litter...

River Mole Discovery Day, Sunday 25 September, 2016
Don't forget that the L&DCPS is taking part in the River Mole Discovery Day this coming Sunday - we'll be down on the field between the...

Love Your River, September 2016
Our chairman Lucy Quinnell spoke at the 'Love Your River' workshop tonight at the Letherhead [sic] Institute. Other organisations...