Founded in 1929, the Leatherhead & District Countryside Protection Society exists to: defend the Green Belt, champion 'meritorious buildings', encourage high standards in planning and architecture, preserve trees, footpaths, flora & fauna, and address litter and fly-tipping issues.
JOIN US! Individual membership is just £5 per annum, and family membership is £10 per annum. Email us via the 'Contact Us' page on the main menu, and we will email you a membership form.

River Mole Discovery Day
The L&DCPS is part of the River Catchment Partnership - working with others interested in studying and improving our river network. We take part in the River Mole Discovery Days in Leatherhead.
Invasive Species Control & Litter Clearance
With groups such as Friends of River Mole Leatherhead,Teazle Wood Trust and the Lower Mole Project, our aim is to achieve a litter-free river network and well-controlled Himalayn Balsam.
Flooding has been a major concern for many local people in recent years, and we are committed to understanding the causes, expressing public concerns and assisting with any mitigating schemes.